
First, a thank you for joining me on the very first Healing InSight call. I am a firm believer in collaboration and group healing. Together we created a beautiful field for the receptivity of Divine love.

Here’s the recap of suggested important beliefs for self-love – the key to our ascension. You can muscle test to check your alignment with these statements and bring yourself into alignment if you wish. It is this change work that makes all the difference. It’s quick and easy to test yourself, then you’ll know whether you need to do this work and can book in that time with yourself. Do feedback or raise questions in the group!

  1. I am a Divine Human
  2. I am the light of my soul
  3. I am worthy of unconditional love, I am love, I am part of the One – I belong
  4. It is safe for me to shine
  5. I am lovable
  6. I love and accept my whole self
  7. I am safe, protected and guided

We also came to understand the importance of “safe, possible and appropriate” and “ready, willing and able”, so that we can use these in our belief statements.

We aligned with: “I am lovable, I am loved, I allow myself to receive Divine love”.

Three cards for February ahead of our next call… 23/2/20

  1. Solar Plexus card, Greatness, the priority is just no. 4: “I am Wonderful”…. the message coming through now is to be in wonder of the self, the body in particular and its majesty in terms of how the DNA and the field continues to guide us toward its activation so we may move toward a continuing awakened state. This we can begin to explore on the call, but we are moving into being able to work with the DNA field, the innate, and begin to access the quantum within us in order to direct change within the physical, mental and emotional bodies, in order to assert change in our experience. Be in wonder to tap into the innate.
  2. Root chakra, Natural World, the priority for us is no. 4: “I Belong”…. the energy here and vision is about truly belonging on the Earth plane. Releasing any resistance to this throughout the remainder of the month would be awesome. February is a month of big shifts. It is through this transition of recognising and ‘real’ising your/our collective human mission on earth, we can come into fully embodying ourselves in the timeline potential of the Divine human on Earth. As we step into and commit to this, the belonging arises. Belonging serves as an anchor, so visualise and allow the anchor to settle into the Earth. Remember, it is there for your alignment if you wish.
  3. Heart Chakra, Ease & Grace, the priorities are beliefs 3 & 4: “It is easy for me to be gentle and graceful when I connect to the rhythms of the Earth and the Universe. I flow gently and easily”…. I believe this is a message of patience. The energy through February is intense, sometimes we will be pulled to movement, sometimes to surrender, sometimes things may not make sense and old mental patterns for sure, will surface to be dropped. All is in flux, all is temporary. I received guidance on waking the other morning and this comes to mind now. To enter the quiet centre, to allow the void, through which great creation springs forth. Rest in this space now, allow the ease, the flow and the upgrades to occur. We’re moving through shifts in our mental perceptions, perhaps even of reality, or of our physical vessel. Although cognitively, things may not make sense, my take on it is that we are fine tuning ourselves with the higher timeline of the Divine plan, let go of previously held mental patterns and align with the new, more fluid energy and potentials of the Earth and these Universal shifts. More flow is occurring for the last week in Feb.
Natural World
Ease & Grace

The next call:

As discussed, safety is truly our springboard for expansion. We’ll take a look at fear and the different operating systems at play that can come into coherence, when we allow them their expression and align ourselves with beliefs around, safety, trust, resilience, belonging, support and capability that ease the fears. We’re all unique and the Healing InSight Method, should allow the emergence of your own specific beliefs to work with to ease fear. We can take a little look at this for each of you on the call and/or choose beliefs for the group collective. Either way, looking forward to working with you again next Sunday.

Love and blessings,

Nikki x

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