1. Safeguarding

Children and adults must be safeguarded from harm, abuse and neglect. If you become aware of abuse or neglect, we have a duty of care to protect people’s human rights, wellbeing and health. The British Psychological Society define abuse as follows:

• Physical abuse – is the use of physical force or mistreatment of one person by another which may or may not result in actual physical injury. This could include hitting, poisoning, deprivation of food, water or liberty, rough handling or exposure to heat or cold, amongst other things.

• Sexual violence and abuse – sexual abuse is any behaviour perceived to be of a sexual nature which is unwanted or takes place without consent or understanding. Sexual violence and abuse can take many forms and may include non-contact sexual activities such as: indecent exposure, stalking, grooming or being made to look at, or be involved in the production of sexually abusive material, or being made to watch sexual activities.

• Psychological/emotional abuse is behaviour that is psychologically harmful or inflicts mental distress by threat, humiliation or other verbal/non-verbal conduct. This may include threats, blaming, controlling, intimidation or coercion amongst other things.

• Financial abuse is actual or attempted theft, fraud or burglary. It is the misappropriation or misuse of money, property, benefits, material goods or other asset transactions which the person did not, or could not, consent to, or which were invalidated by intimidation, coercion or deception. This may include exploitation, embezzlement, withholding pension or benefits or pressure exerted around wills, property of inheritance.

• Institutional abuse is the mistreatment or neglect by a regime or individuals, in settings which people who may be at risk reside in or use. Institutional abuse may occur when routines, systems and regimes result in poor standards of care, poor practice and behaviours, inflexible regimes and rigid routines which violate the dignity and human rights of the adults and place them at risk of harm. It may occur within a culture that denies, restricts or curtails privacy, dignity, choice and independence. It involves the collective failure of a service provider or an organisation to provide safe and appropriate services and includes a failure to ensure the necessary preventative and/or protective measures are in place.

• Neglect is the persistent failure to meet basic physical and/or psychological needs. It may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, clothing and shelter, failing to provide or unresponsiveness to, basic emotional needs or failing to protect from physical harm.

Where risk is a concern, document accurately the information that you have received, seek advice, contact the GP or other agencies concerned with safeguarding (such as children’s services or social services department).

2. Contractual Agreements

A contract can be considered legal when two people make a verbal agreement to the offering and receiving of services from one to another. Set out clearly the work and arrangements between client and practitioner, prior to engagement in the work. This protects both you and the client from any confusion, and places professional boundaries around your work.

• Set out the expectations of a session, including further or series of sessions, confidentiality, records, GDPR.

• What to expect within a typical Healing InSight session, including the requirement of movement in ones arms.

• Remind your client of appointment details, such as start and end time, date, and location.

• Obtain informed consent.

• Include cancellation policies and procedures.

• Include refund policies should engagement in the work not be possible, including on-line internet


3. Confidentiality and Data Management

All health professionals are required to keep adequate records of client sessions. Client contact and content, including records, should be held completely confidentially at all times, with the only exception being in cases where safeguarding is necessary.

• Records should be factual and observational only.

• Use clear, easy to read language.

• Records are legally required to be accessible to clients upon request.

• Records are required to be stored in a locked, safe confidential place and kept for 5 years under GDPR requirement.

4. Maintaining Professionalism and Upholding Professional Boundaries

Practitioners should be suitably presented, ready to receive and be fully present for their clients.

• Practitioners are required to attend to their own wellbeing and be fit to practice.

• Romantic or sexual relationships with clients are not considered ethical practice. Relationships must be of a professional nature with clear boundaries upheld.

• Acquire professional indemnity insurance and adhere to their codes of conduct.

Standards of Proficiency

Healing InSight Practitioners have:

• Demonstrated an understanding of the therapeutic relationship.

• Demonstrated the practical application of the complete Healing InSight system and method.

• Considered ethics and safety within practice.

• Considered duty of care to clients.

• Undertaken 26 hours of training.

• Completed the Certified Practitioner Training Course.

• Understood first-hand how the system works and why.

• Received supervision and sought guidance where necessary.

• Learned how to assist clients gracefully through resistance.

• Learned how to help clients to work with emotion to identify, construct and change beliefs.

• Understood their role as a guide and facilitator of the clients own internal change process.

Grievance Policy

Our grievance procedure policy explains how clients, workshop participants and practitioners in training can voice their complaints in a constructive way. They should be able to follow a fair grievance procedure to be heard and avoid conflicts.

Our practitioners and trainers have all met professional proficiency standards to practice. To ensure standards are kept high, the Healing InSight company encourages all clients, practitioners in training and workshop participants to communicate if they are unhappy with the quality of care given by any practitioner.


We define grievance as any complaint, problem or concern of a client or workshop attendee regarding their experience under the supervision of a Healing InSight practitioner.

Employees can file grievances for any of the following reasons:

• Health and safety

• Practitioner behaviour

This list in not exhaustive. However, clients should try to resolve less important issues informally before they resort to a formal grievance.

Clients and participants who file grievances can:

• Reach out to their practitioner or the Healing InSight management team

• File a letter of grievance explaining the situation in detail

Practitioners who face allegation have the right to:

• Receive a copy of the allegations against them

• Respond to the allegations

• Appeal on any formal decision

The company is obliged to:

• Have a formal grievance procedure in place

• Communicate the procedure

• Investigate all grievances promptly

• Preserve confidentiality at any stage of the process

• Resolve all grievances when possible


The Healing InSight company cannot be held responsible for the conduct of its practitioners; however, we are interested in maintaining standards and duty of care and will follow up with any official grievances brought to our attention.

The Healing InSight management should follow the procedure below:

1. Ask the person to submit details of the complaint in writing (as outlined below)

2. Talk with the person filing the grievance to ensure the matter is understood completely

3. Provide the person who faces allegations with a copy of the grievance

4. Organise mediation procedures (e.g. arranging a formal meeting)

5. Investigate the matter or ask the help of an investigator when needed

6. Keep the person who submitted the grievance informed throughout the process

7. Communicate the formal decision to all persons involved

8. Take actions to ensure the formal decision is adhered to

9. Deal with appeals by gathering more information and investigating further

10. Keep accurate records

If practitioners wish to submit a grievance about their training and supervision in the process of gaining certification with the Healing InSight training school, their grievance will be followed up by the founder Nikki Gresham-Record alongside a colleague independent from the issue in question.

How to file a grievance

Please inform the Healing InSight management team in one of the following ways:

By email: management@healinginsight.co.uk

By post: Healing InSight, 101 The Fairway, Midhurst GU29 9JF, United Kingdom

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